Wall decoration Green

Wall Art Decoration


Nature’s favorite colour, let our green decoration reflect on your interior. Scenolia’s large selection of wallpapers, posters, privacy screens and canvas prints are here to bring the outdoors closer to you.

Grab inspiration from nature! Our green-themed wall décor will make you feel optimistic and refreshed while surrounding you with some luscious foliage. Unwind and relax with our landscapes, fields, and a variety of plants. Choose a décor that brings you closer to that springtime freshness for any time of the year. Our green wall décor brings an energizing and restorative feel to your space.

Green path canvas print
Green philodendron wallpaper
Water green canvas print
Beach view from the sky canvas print

Tips from our Decorating Team

Scenolia carries a selection of green-themed wall decorations available in a multitude of hues. From soft chartreuse to deep green, we make sure to keep your space as charismatic as it can be. Our Illustrated Jungle Wallpaper displays beautiful foliage against a cream coloured background, decorated with a white table set, grey sofa or cedarwood flooring. Perfect for a contemporary appeal, many natural elements and colour such as beige, brown, and blue pair exceptionally well. We also have privacy screens for outdoor use. An ideal way to decorate your fence and surround your garden with a luscious view while maintaining your privacy. Our Violet Garden Privacy Screen can also be used on a terrace or balcony to create a captivating garden illusion from your high rise. We bring the beauty of nature to your home.

Décoration murale Green

Give Your Walls The Green Light

Whether you are looking to spend an afternoon by a topical beach, or bring the East Asian scenery to you, our wall decors will have you feeling lush. Leaf through our collection of original décors at Scenolia.

Green tea field wallpaper
Green bamboo poster
Garden poster
Foliage wallpaper

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